
The program MossA provides a straightforward approach to the fitting of 57Fe conventional and synchrotron energy-domain Mössbauer spectra. Sites can be defined simply by mouse clicks and hyperfine parameters can be constrained to constant values, within specific ranges, and be coupled linearly between different subspectra.  The program includes a full transmission integral fit with Lorentzian line shape (conventional source) or Lorentzian-squared line shape (synchrotron source). The fitting process is graphically displayed in real time while fitting and can be interrupted at any time. Gaussian-shaped quadrupole splitting distributions for analyzing non-magnetic amorphous materials is included. MossA is designed especially for the rapid and comprehensive analysis of complex Mössbauer spectra due to its native graphical user input.


MossA is written in the MATLAB programming language. The source code can be obtained from its github repository: To just run the MossA executable a MATLAB license is not needed. Only the corresponding MATLAB component runtime (MCR) has to be installed, which can be downloaded from for all 3 major operation systems. The needed MCR version is specified in the zip filenames.

MossA is known to run on Windows 7, 8, 10, MacOS X and Debian Linux systems. The executables, manual and tutorials can be downloaded from the link below.


A paper about MossA has been published in the Journal of Applied Crystallography:

  • Prescher, C., McCammon, C., Dubrovinsky, L., 2012. MossA: a program for analyzing energy-domain Mössbauer spectra from conventional and synchrotron sources. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 45, 329–331. link

In case you use MossA for anything publication relevant please cite this paper.

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